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I have stories in my head crying to get out.
This is where I choose to let them to be heard.

She stood in the blowing snow on the overlook above the Rhine river staring at the castle across the river. Her friends were huddled down in the gazebo snapping pictures of Castle Katz and Berg Rheinfelds.

The day had started out as a excuse to get out of the city. The drive up had been fun. They had laughed and listened to music on the German stations. Strangely most of the music was English language oldies mostly 80's but some newer and some older. They had laughed sang along and tried to translate the commercials. They had even stopped at a bakerie in a little town along the way and bought berliners to eat. the jelly stuffed powder sugar covered donuts are totally addictive.

Laughing with the rest of them she had stumbled out of the car at the first stop after the unnervingly winding road to the top. Following the group down narrow path she was overwhelmed with the feeling of being watched, being stalked. As they passed a patch of berry brambles something moved rattling the thorny branches. Sarah jumped back putting her perilously close to tumbling down into the steep ravine. Her friends had raced ahead at the first sight of Berg Katz. For a second she thought she was going to fall then she felt a hand at her back. It pushed her back from the edge. "Thank you..." Sarah said as she turned. She looked around but there was no one there. Before she could wonder anymore a cat shot out of the bushes with a bird held in it's mouth. It disappeared into the dense growth on the other side of the path. With a last glance around she hurried after the rest.

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